GB100GGM - 100 Years On

Mills On the Air 2017Mon 1st May 2017 13:00 BST

Blackwood & District Amateur Radio Society will be back in the mill, operating as part of the 2017 Mills On the Air event from Saturday 13th to Sunday 14th of May, 2017. As usual we'd love to hear from you, come along and hold a QSO with us, expected activity will be mostly on 40m although you may find us on 80m or 20m and up depending on what the band conditions are like. As usual we shall be operating with an FT-950, large inverted L wire, with a remote tuner, tuned against ground / buried radials. We look workward to making a QSO with you, 73 de GB2GGM

Planned Operation May 2015Thu 12th Mar 2015 12:00 GMT

The next planned operation from the mill will be "Mills on the Air - 2015", this will take place on the weekend of May 9th and 10th. We will be using the callsign GB6GGM, operating on HF, 80m - 10m depending on band conditions.

The Blog is Back!Sun 8th Mar 2015 11:00 GMT

After a long absense from the site due to an argument with Google's Blogger service, the GB100GGM blog is back, natively hosted on our own servers rather than anyone elses. So now that we are back "on air" after so long - what do we have to tell you all, well, not much honestly, but this site might finally get some much needed updates!